The Bifurcated Self: An Updated Psychology Primer

The challenge put forth in this course is for the participant to develop better understanding and application of Self Psychology a contemporary psychoanalytic school, and its approach to the psychodynamic growth-change-healing process.

Course Overview

(Live In-Person, 6 CEUs)

  • Theoretical Presentation (10-12:00/2 hr. session)
    • Heinz Kohut – Compatibility with Attachment Theory and Object Relations Theory
  • Lunch (1 hour)
  • Clinical Application & Case-Studies (1:00-3:00/2 hr. session)
    • The Relational Perspective – The importance of the interactive in the creation of the intrapsychic
    • Bifurcated Self, Integration and how does the sense of self develop?Break (:15)
  • Group Discussion & Supervision (3:15-5:15/2 hr. session)
    • What is the theory of growth-change, healing that is being applied?
    • What constitutes a cohesive sense of self?

Course Detail

  1. Heinz Kohut (1913-1981)
    1. Early years in Vienna, WWII
    2. University of Chicago
    3. Mr. Psychoanalysis
    4. Why does psychoanalysis take so long?
  2.  Kohut’s Key Concepts
    1. Self Object; Self, Self Object Relationship
    2. A cohesive sense of self
    3. Transference concepts (e.g. merger, mirroring, idealizing, twinship).
    4. New understanding of anger, narcissism
    5. Crucial role of empathy
    6. Self State concept
    7. How does analysis cure?
  3.  Compatibility with Attachment Theory and Object Relations Theory
    1. Human instinct as object seeking
    2. Move away from Drive Theory
    3. Child’s need for a secure base
    4. Importance of the child’s early developmental experiences
  4.  The Relational Perspective
    1. The importance of the interactive in the creation of the intrapsychic
    2. A new look/understanding of the term psychodynamic and defense/conflict model
    3. What is implicit relational knowing?
  5.  Bifurcated Self, Integration and Development of the Sense of Self
    1. Vulnerable Self
    2. Ideal Self
    3. Defenses and the vulnerable self.
    4. Human need/drive to achieve optimal “relational fittedness”.
  6. Applying these Concepts with Clients/Patients
    1. What is the theory of growth-change, healing that is being applied?
    2. What constitutes a cohesive sense of self?